Car Accident Injury Lawsuit Funding

Stephanie Reid | June 12th, 2015

auto accident - car accident 1 - editedYou’ve just been through the most traumatic experience of your life: a life-threatening auto accident. As a result, you’ve missed weeks of work, have exhausted your PTO, and are just now regaining full mobility. What’s more, your bills are piling up – and you feel you have nowhere to turn.

If this describes your situation, understand that you are not alone – as thousands of auto accident victims experience this same frustratingly cyclical series of events: too injured to work, but savings are too depleted not to work. At Law Street Capital, we completely understand this scenario, and we are a company created to help victims like yourself overcome the financial aspect of a car accident injury while awaiting the outcome of a personal injury lawsuit – which can take months (or years) to conclude.

Financial support in your time of need

A car accident lawsuit loan is essentially a lump sum of funds wired to your bank account to help “bridge the gap” between your initial injury and the final resolution with the insurance company and/or defendant responsible for your damages. Unlike a traditional loan, the terms are structured with you in mind – and we do not collect if you do not win your case. Simple as that.

If our service seems to fit your situation, you would begin the process by reviewing our qualification criteria. In order to successfully secure a car accident lawsuit loan, you must first demonstrate that a civil lawsuit has been filed (or will be filed shortly), and that you have retained an auto accident attorney on a contingency basis – meaning your lawyer only gets paid if your case is successful.

From there, you need only fill out our straightforward application, and a team member will contact your attorney to discuss the components of your case. Once these steps are complete, you can expect a funding decision within 24 hours – and we are happy to advance the money via wire, paper check, or electronic ACH deposit.

Will my auto accident lawsuit qualify?

One of the key components of a successful application is a defendant who is highly likely to be found negligent in your case. In other words, the facts of the auto accident are in your favor, and the defendant likely engaged in conduct that was unreasonably dangerous.

While the facts of each auto accident are highly unique, common signs of defendant negligence in an auto accident include:

  • Traveling too fast for weather conditions
  • Texting or using a handheld device while driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Committing a violation of the motor vehicle code, resulting in an accident
  • Following too closely
  • Aggressive driving
  • Failure to adhere to road signs or traffic signals

Of course, these factors are not necessarily conclusive of negligence, and no one knows exactly how a judge, jury, or settlement negotiator will ultimately value the case. However, by working with LawStreet Capital, you can rest assured that your loan funds are only repaid if your case is successful. Plus, we offer fair terms and affordable rates – making an auto accident injury loan the best solution to your current financial situation.

Contact Lawstreet Capital about an auto injury lawsuit loan today!

To get started on your case, we encourage you to contact us toll free by calling 1-866-FUND-62. We look forward to working with you and getting you on the road to recovery.