How Lawsuit Loans Can Help Victims of Elder Abuse
Elder abuse, according to the National Center on Elder Abuse, is defined as “any knowing, intended, or careless act that causes harm or serious risk of harm to an older person—physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially.”
Elder abuse comes in many forms, from obvious physical injury to more insidious and surreptitious emotional or financial abuse that can go unchecked for years. Threats, isolation, and rejection can be devastating to an elderly person as can theft, fraudulent acts, and abuse of authority for financial gain at the expense of the unwitting elderly victim.
Grounds for pursuing an elder abuse lawsuit
If you have filed a lawsuit based on allegations of elder abuse on behalf of yourself or a loved one, you’re well aware of the costs involved in sustaining a legal action that might take months or years to resolve. While you battle in court, you continue to be hammered by the financial realities of life outside the courtroom. Your mortgage or rent, car payments, medical expenses, insurance, and all of life’s many expenses need to be taken care of while your case is pending.
LawStreet Capital can provide the funding you need to sustain yourself and your family with an elder abuse lawsuit loan. The word loan is a bit of a misnomer, because the money you receive from LawStreet Capital is not a loan at all, but rather a risk free cash advance that is non-recourse. This means you can stay on top of your financial obligations while your claim resolves. If for any reason, you are not successful in your suit or if your case doesn’t settle, there is no obligation to repay the advance.
Elder financial abuse is difficult to detect
Estimates of the numbers of abused, injured, or mistreated elders number somewhere between 1 and 2 million. Elder abuse, sadly, is grossly underreported. The National Center for Elder Abuse says that only 1 out of 14 elder abuse incidents are reported to the proper authorities.
One category of abuse that flies well under the radar is elder financial exploitation partly because the actions are many times undertaken by trusted family advisers using undue influence over an elderly person’s finances for personal gain. This type of abuse can go on for a long period of time without being noticed if done methodically to evade detection.
Look for evidence of unexplained changes in bank accounts, missing checks or checks made out to pay for gifts or loans, out of the ordinary withdrawals, risky investments, or wills that are altered. In many cases, bank accounts have been cleaned out and life savings lost due to financial abuse by unscrupulous financial advisers or seemingly well-meaning relatives, guardians, or caregivers.
Settlement funding for cases of financial abuse
If you choose to file a lawsuit for this type of abuse, LawStreet Capital can provide elder financial abuse settlement funding to sustain you or a loved one through a protracted legal action. If your case does not settle or win for any reason, you do not owe LawStreet Capital a dime .
To learn more about the many advantages of an elder abuse lawsuit loan, our customer representatives are standing by to answer all of your questions. Call us toll-free anytime at 1-866-FUND-662.