Mirena MDL Established in New York District Court
Litigation over Bayer’s controversial IUD has moved forward with the consolidation of all federal Mirena lawsuits citing injuries stemming from device migration. In a recent order by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML), the products liability MDL has been created in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The panel selected New York because of its proximity to Bayer Healthcare’s corporate headquarters. The docket will be presided over by Honorable Judge Cathy Siebel.
The JPML decided to coordinate claims involving the Mirena IUD, stating that “Centralization will eliminate duplicative discovery; prevent inconsistent rulings on pretrial matters; and conserve the resources of the parties, their counsel and the judiciary.” As it stands, at least 8 Mirena IUD cases have been transferred to the district court, and dozens more are expected in the coming weeks and months. Multidistrict litigation carries several benefits to both plaintiffs and defendants, as it aims to increase efficiency in pre-trial proceedings, and may help to expedite potential settlements.
As of April 2013, an estimated 40 additional Mirena lawsuits are currently pending in courtrooms around the country, and hundreds more may be filed as more women report serious injuries after using the intrauterine device. Some claimants are burdened with enormous hospital expenses related to their Mirena IUD injuries, and find their savings accounts dwindling. While the Mirena MDL may help streamline the early stages of litigation, most plaintiffs are looking at many months if not years before they see resolution to their claims. Jury awards are often appealed and settlement negotiations have yet to begin. It’s challenging times like these when Mirena lawsuit loans from LawStreet Capital can be a lifesaver.
Mirena MDL plaintiffs may benefit from legal loans
Extended products liability litigation, especially when it involves allegedly defective medical devices like the Mirena IUD, can drag on forever. Mirena claimants who suffered complications such as uterine perforation may be struggling with medical bills for corrective surgery and lost income due to their injuries. Many may be living paycheck to paycheck as they wait for compensation from their pending lawsuit. Situations like these can put claimants in an especially vulnerable position, forcing some to consider premature settlements – often much lower than they deserve.
At LawStreet Capital, we provide legal loans for plaintiffs based on the potential outcome of their case. Don’t be confused by the name, Mirena lawsuit loans are nothing like what you’d apply for at a bank. This is a pre settlement cash advance – a non-recourse influx of funds that you never have to repay if you lose your case.
Risk-free pre settlement cash advance
As with any type of complex litigation involving pharmaceuticals or medical devices, the process can be lengthy. In light of the mounting medical studies and FDA adverse event reports detailing the possible dangers of the IUD, many speculate that the Mirena MDL will grow considerably this year. If you have filed a lawsuit against Bayer alleging Mirena IUD injuries and need money today, why not leverage your future settlement for a cash advance now. There is zero obligation to you and if your claim is unsuccessful, you won’t owe a dime.
Apply for Mirena lawsuit loans
LawStreet Capital is the nation’s leading provider of legal loans for plaintiffs. Our application is free, there are no hidden costs, and we never require credit checks or employment verification. We can normally process your application in just 24 hours, and once approved, you’ll have your money sent via overnight mail or transferred into your bank account. To learn more about Mirena lawsuit loans, complete the online application or call toll-free 866-FUND-622 to speak with one of our representatives. You may be just one call away from the end of your financial worries.