Need Cash Now? Yaz and Yasmin Settlement Loans Available
Far too many prospective Yaz and Yasmin plaintiffs decide not to file lawsuits against Bayer because they worry that not only will it take years for them to see a check, the litigation itself will be costly. Legal fees are certainly not insignificant and while the litigation is pending, plaintiffs must also deal with their medical bills and everyday living expenses.
Those that do file lawsuits may be tempted to settle for less than what they deserve, which is why LawStreet Capital is pleased to provide settlement loans for Yaz and Yasmin plaintiffs.
Benefits of Yaz and Yasmin settlement loans
Settlement loans aren’t quite what the name implies, in that they are not traditional loans. Rather, they are cash advances paid to plaintiffs in anticipation of a future settlement from a defendant such as Bayer. However, unlike a loan that a person might take out from a bank or credit union, Yaz and Yasmin settlement loans are non-recourse. There is no need for the plaintiff to repay the money in the event that a settlement offer is not forthcoming and the case is lost.
Other benefits of settlement loans include quick approval. After filling out LawStreet Capital’s free, no-obligation application form, you can receive approval in as few as 24 hours. Once approved, your cash can be overnighted to you. In partnering with LawStreet Capital, you can rest assured that there are never any hidden fees or risks, and that you’ll be receiving rates that are among the lowest in the legal funding industry.
Another reason to consider a Yaz and Yasmin settlement loan is the sheer length of time it can take for a lawsuit to go to trial. Plaintiffs often have difficulty staying afloat while court proceedings are in process. For example, Yaz and Yasmin lawsuits began to be filed by at least 2009 as women began to experience severe, life-threatening side effects. However, by December 2014, remaining federal lawsuits consolidated into the multidistrict litigation (MDL) had still not reached the trial stage. During this month, the judge identified only 33 cases that would begin the necessary preparations to go to trial by the middle of 2015.
Thousands of cases have indeed been resolved, such as those involving gallbladder problems and deep vein thrombosis. However, there are still at least 5,000 cases pending and those plaintiffs will likely have to wait much longer to receive compensation.
What can the money be used for?
Yet another benefit of applying for a settlement loan is its flexibility. Plaintiffs can use the cash however they need. It may be used to pay lawyers’ bills and other legal expenses. It may be used for medical bills resulting from Yaz and Yasmin side effects. Or, the cash advance may be used for daily living expenses, such as car payments, insurance premiums, and groceries. There are no restrictions.
What happens if I lose my case?
One of the reasons why many people injured by Yaz and Yasmin hesitate to file a lawsuit is the fear that they will lose their case and have to contend with fruitless legal expenses. With a settlement loan, however, there is never any risk to plaintiffs. They can receive the money they deserve for their losses. And there is no obligation to repay the cash advance if your case is lost.
How can I apply for a lawsuit cash advance?
You can begin the application process using our online form, or call one of our friendly representatives at 1-866-FUND-662. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about settlement loans, during a confidential consultation.